Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's Dark inside

I'm sure we've all heard of the song about that guy Mack, the one that goes around biting people with pearly white teeth? He also happens to be a knife; now is it ringing some bells?
I have something to tell you.
Being a knife is not fun.
And this is coming from first hand experience, not second hand, and certainly not from my mother's brother-in-law's second cousin, three times removed on his fathers side.
Why? You might ask; would I have first hand experience?
Because I am a knife.
Let me give you a little insight on what it's like to be a knife, a thiefs knife to be precise.
It's always dark.
Always a black, colourless void deep inside the confines of the pocket. Which of course is the most convenient place for a knife such as myself to be stored. It's within easy access, always on hand in the most trying of times, such as when getting caught while robbing a convenience store. It's always nice to know that I am there to change the tide in a violent confrontation. After all, you never know when the opposing person could pull out a club or a bat or a wrench, or another weapon of formidable force.
But it's not often that I am used, my thief tends to run rather than fight. And often has no need to run, because he is never caught.
So I sit, and wait. Patiently of course, for I was taught that patience is a virtue. And I remain in the darkness until such a time comes when I need to be used. And all the while I sing "Mack the Knife."

1 comment:

  1. On the sidewalk...Sunday morning...lies a body oozing life
    Someone's sneakin' round the corner...could that someone, be Mack the Knife?
