Thursday, October 29, 2009

Being Thankful

Often times when reading a book or watching a movie, you realize how well off you really are, how great your life is, and how awful it could be. You definitely think about these kinds of things while reading "The Book of Negroes" by Lawrence Hill. How lucky we are to live in such a great time, where human rights are climbing the political and social ladder. And what a great country we have! Free from slave trading and heavy prejudice, such a free place to express our opinions and ideals.
While reading about the maltreatment of the African people, it strikes you that you have never suffered as they are suffering, and you hope you never will. A wave of thankfullness, mixed with sadness hits you as you realize that there are still people going through the slave trade, being trafficked as if they were no more important than cheap drugs acidentally spilt on the roadside.
Hopefully there will be a day where human rights are of chief importance all around the world, that every country becomes outraged at the mere mention of a slave. But until then we can hope that the children and adults captured and kept under deplorable conditions find some relief, and be thankful for the lives we have and the places we live.

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