In this day and age, drugs are everywhere. On the streets, in our schools, and within easy access of even the youngest of youth. So the question is, now that they're everywhere anyways, why don't we just legalize them? I could tell you it's a bad idea, that you'd be foolish to even think of wanting those drugs legal. But I'm not. Instead, I'm going to outline the reasons why they should be legalized, and why the shouldn't be.
Why Drugs Should be Legalized:
-The thrill could be half of it: If the drugs are legal and there is no consequence for use then its quite possible people, youth especially will not bother to use it. After all, wheres the fun in not getting arrested?
-Medicinal purposes: Certain types of mushrooms, marijuana, and tablets are used everyday to treat cancer patients, people with P.T.S.D and the extreme pain in accident victims. If these drugs were legal then it would be alot easier for those patients to get the help they need, without the controversy that follows the help they're getting.
-Government funding: Millions of dollars go into researching drug use prevention plans, and putting them into action. If those drugs were legal then they wouldn't have to prevent the use of them, just provide education about what those drugs do and invest in rehab centers.
-Alcohol reasoning: Alcohol is legal and can cause just as many accidents and long term damage as drugs, so if one is legal then both should be.
Why Drugs Should Not be Legalized:
-Addiction is an issue: People become addicted to life-threatening drugs, they can cause long term health damage and extensive rehab is required to break free. This addiction leads to thousands of dollars lost, suffering health and usually irrational behavior. If drugs are legal, some people are definitely going to take advantage of even easier access.
-Exposure to children: Top buyers for drugs are kids and teens, so this is where dealers market their product. There is no way to describe the kind of damage those deadly substances can do to a child or teenager, as they are even more susceptible to addiction and long lasting damage than adults. If peer pressure if high and the marketing is eye catching, there will be no reason to resist if the drugs are legal.
-Legal reasoning: The drugs cant be that bad if they're legal right? The government wouldn't allow people to access it if it's that's dangerous, so why shouldn't I buy it?....Right?
-Lack of consequence: Without consequences, there would be absolutely no reason for people to quite. If they enjoy it, why not just keep using? Even if its damaging their health, relationships, and work life, its okay, you wont get in trouble for it.
So here are the reasons, both pros and cons to legalizing illegal drugs. Take from it what you want, but be sure to think of the effects either decision will cause. The outcome of such a debate will effect society as we know it.